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501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

Latest Past Events

Middle School Boys Pick-Up Basketball

United Sportsplex 7619 Doane Drive, Manassas

United Sportsplex is having Middle School Boys Pick-Up Basketball every Monday night of the month. Please download the United Sportsplex app on your iPhone or Android device to create an account and…

Middle School Boys Pick-Up Basketball

United Sportsplex 7619 Doane Drive, Manassas

United Sportsplex is having Middle School Boys Pick-Up Basketball every Monday night of the month. Please download the United Sportsplex app on your iPhone or Android device to create an account and…

Middle School Boys Pick-Up Basketball

United Sportsplex 7619 Doane Drive, Manassas

United Sportsplex is having Middle School Boys Pick-Up Basketball every Monday night of the month. Please download the United Sportsplex app on your iPhone or Android device to create an account and…