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501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

Swarm Basketball Camp

Virginia Summer Camps 2022 WEEK ONE – June 27th – June 30th WEEK TWO – July 25th – July 28th Grades: Boys & Girls, Grades 3rd-10th Time: 9am-3pm Location: United Sportsplex – 7619…

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Swarm Basketball Camp

Virginia Summer Camps 2022 WEEK ONE – June 27th – June 30th WEEK TWO – July 25th – July 28th Grades: Boys & Girls, Grades 3rd-10th Time: 9am-3pm Location: United Sportsplex – 7619…

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VA Swarm Basketball Tryouts

Tryout Dates: Friday, May 13th Friday, May 20th Boys Tryout Times: 6th-7th Grade: 6-7pm 8th-9th Grade: 7-8pm 10th-11th Grade: 8-9pm Girls Tryout Times: 6th-8th Grade: 6-7pm 9th-11th Grade: 7-8pm Location:…

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VA Swarm Basketball Tryouts

Tryout Dates: Friday, May 13th Friday, June 3rd Boys Tryout Times: 6th-7th Grade: 6-7pm 8th-9th Grade: 7-8pm 10th-11th Grade: 8-9pm Girls Tryout Times: 6th-8th Grade: 6-7pm 9th-11th Grade: 7-8pm Location:…

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High School Girls Open Gym

The U is hosting exclusive Open Gym nights of organized pick-up games for High School girls. The games will be overseen by a staff member with a 10-minute running clock…

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Middle School Girls Open Gym

The U is hosting exclusive Open Gym nights of organized pick-up games for Middle School girls. The games will be overseen by a staff member with a 10-minute running clock…

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Middle School Girls Open Gym

The U is hosting exclusive Open Gym nights of organized pick-up games for Middle School girls. The games will be overseen by a staff member with a 10-minute running clock…

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