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501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

Latest Past Events

UBA Developmental Skills Training

This Fall 2021, United Basketball Association (UBA) is having developmental basketball skills sessions to learn fundamentals, build coordination, and improve technique. The sessions are open to 1st-3rd boys and girls,…

High School Boys Open Gym

United Sportsplex 7619 Doane Drive, Manassas

The U is hosting exclusive Open Gym nights of organized pick-up games for High School boys. The games will be overseen by a staff member with a 10-minute running clock…

Middle School Girls Open Gym

United Sportsplex 7619 Doane Drive, Manassas

The U is hosting exclusive Open Gym nights of organized pick-up games for Middle School girls. The games will be overseen by a staff member with a 10-minute running clock…